Kids 4 Christ

Kids 4 Christ – Drama team meets immediately following the morning worship songs.

Our prayer is to minister in a way that will CREATE disciples! We believe that children can change the world for Jesus, starting right now. The way we believe we can measure how well we are doing in our goal to disciple is three fold:
• By creating intentional environments where children COLLIDE with the reality and presence of Jesus through corporate prayer, worship, biblical teaching, and the occasional random dance party. We will open up an avenue to sing, sign, act, jump, shout, testify, praise and any other thing the Lord lays at our hearts.

CONNECT children to the Body of Christ through relational community in what we call ownership. Children will be encouraged to take ownership of their relationship with Christ, ownership of their salvation, ownership of their choices, and ownership of their relationships with others. How do we accomplish this? By empowering them with the word, and pouring into each child praise, encouragement, inspiration, direction, in a hope to awake in them a desire to seek out the God given talents place within them. We will listen to and take to heart their suggestions and observations We will pray over and with each child.

ENGAGE in active participation of Adult services. We will periodically preform dramas, skits, songs, sign songs, flag songs etc. in the Sanctuary. This will build confidence, self-worth, attendance and a spiritual foundation that they will build on for years to come!

Guidelines- all school age children will be welcome to join
Requirements – Willingness – we will gently encourage children to step out of their comfort zones and get involved. All while understanding that each one has their own abilities and talents. We will seek to design unique programs for each as such.
To create an environment that will build
a strong spiritual foundation through unlimited interactive worship.

Children’s Interactive Worship Group

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